Monday, March 20, 2017

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Mini exercise challenges or workout sessions.

For mini workout sessions-pick a song you like and pick a area you want to workout (arms for example) or a specific exercise and challenge yourself to do just that during the whole song. For beginners, pick shorter songs and overtime, try to find songs that are longer and longer.

For an extra challenge, use weights and slowing increase the weights overtime. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Finding The Right Exercise That Works For You

So we all know that exercising is an important part of staying fit; but we don't all like doing the same things or have the same goals or motivation. That's o.k.; there is the right exercise for everyone!

What do you like to do? Are you into sports? Dancing?
What are your goals? Do you just want to build more muscle to get stronger and more toned? Do you need to lose a lot of weight or just a little or just want to maintain your weight?

Some people get inspiration from their favorite sport stars. Others want to train like the Kpop stars or Victoria Secret models. Some people enjoy pole dancing even as it makes them feel sexy. Music often helps get people pumped and motivated. Gets people moving. I suggest making your own personal workout playlist (some fast songs. Some slower or relaxing songs for cool downs or to help with meditation and relaxation, etc...).

There are even games for the Wii and other gaming consoles that are designed to help people to get moving and exercise but in a fun way (Just Dance anyone?).

Whatever is it, if it is healthy and you enjoy it, try it out!

There are plenty of DVDs, classes, free videos on YouTube, etc...find what works for you!

If you need help finding the right exercise program for you, just comment below or email me.

Tip of the Day

One thing I learned is not only have big goals and challenges; but also have little challenges and steps to help you research your goals.

Pay attention to how well you did today compared to one week ago, a month ago, etc...for example, when I first started doing the back/butt bridge, I could barely hold it up for long and now I can hold it for longer than a minuet. It shows that each time I try doing something for a bit longer or do one move just a little bit more, I am getting stronger each time.

I may have a long ways to go before I reach my main goals; but I am getting there one step at a time.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

We need to learn how to eat right, not diet

So every seems to rage on about Hungry Girl and talking about weight loss and since I am learning about weight loss and was curious, I went to check out some of her recipes. So far, I am not impressed.

So she is more focused on eating less calories than what is actually in the food. A lot of her recipes seemed to have an high amount of sugar and sodium. Also have a lot of processed food.

What we need is less process food, incorporate the right food to eat and learn about portion control.

For people that exercise a lot and trying to build muscles in order to get stronger and toned, you need to have protein. If you happen to be a vegetarian or vegan, you need to learn where to get that protein more naturally than. Even people who do eat meat need to know much meat to eat and which is better. It recommend to try to aim to eat more vegetables but still need a balance.

Just because something is low cal or a substitute, doesn't mean it is healthy. Best to seek advice from a professional nutritionist.

Someone like me hates vegetables, so I am trying find good recipes I can so I eat more vegetables yet have it so it is a tasty meal. Food is fuel for our bodies.

Why not have it healthy AND tasty? Do substitute health with just taste though or just for the calories.

With that said, I think I will have to pass on Hungry Girl. Sorry. Maybe there will be a good recipe once in awhile or maybe there are other recipes not so high in sugar or sodium; but it's not worth it to buy the recipe book though.

Monday, April 11, 2016

I just did 30 mins of exercising using the jar pick method. I ended up doing a bit of dancing, burpees or whatever they are called, wall sits, push ups, arm lifts, lunges, etc....

So basically tried to put in a mix of cardio and other exercises.

Idea for Fitness Challenges

Whether you are starting a group fitness and health challenge or just want to do one on your own; I got an idea that might mix things up and keep it exciting.

Take pieces of scrap paper and write down different exercise, such as a combination of cardio and strength/core exercises (including the amount or time that will do them for); put them in a jar; and pick which ones you will do for that day's exercise.

If you are following a program; write down a few different exercises to help supplement it. If the program is mostly cardio; write down a few core exercises and visa versa.

This will keep things fun and will help you get motivated as it would be like a surprise everyday.

You can also decorate the jars for a fun activity as well or just reuse the mason jars for other things.